1.6. Notebook Comment

In SimpleELN, experimental records are immutable, whereas opinions and insights pertaining to these records can be appended as comments, offering flexibility for further annotations, discussions, and feedback, as outlined below:

1.6.1. Comment on a protocol record Comment on a protocol record by its project creator

In SimpleELN, experimental records cannot be altered once created. However, the creator has the option to append notes or corrections in the designated comment section, depending on the need for clarification, typo corrections, error rectifications, or any other relevant annotations.

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

  • Click on Protocols Protocol Title bi-chat-square-text-black New Comment in sequence.

  • Complete and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Comment on a protocol record for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to comment on a protocol by its project creator. Comment on a protocol record by a user with shared access privileges

In SimpleELN, experimental records cannot be altered once created. However, the creator and users granted shared access have the flexibility to append notes or corrections in the designated comment section, depending on the need for clarification, typo corrections, error rectifications, or any other relevant annotations. Furthermore, the comment section facilitates discussions and feedback exchanges among shared users, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

  • From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

  • Click on Protocols Protocol Title bi-chat-square-text-black New Comment in sequence.

  • Complete and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Comment on a protocol record for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to comment on a protocol by its shared users.

1.6.2. Comment on a result record Comment on a result record by its project creator

In SimpleELN, experimental records cannot be altered once created. However, the creator has the option to append notes or corrections in the designated comment section, depending on the need for clarification, typo corrections, error rectifications, or any other relevant annotations.

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

  • Click on Results Result Title bi-chat-square-text-black New Comment in sequence.

  • Complete and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Comment on a result record for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to comment on a result by its project creator. Comment on a result record by a user with shared access privileges

In SimpleELN, experimental records cannot be altered once created. However, the creator and users granted shared access have the flexibility to append notes or corrections in the designated comment section, depending on the need for clarification, typo corrections, error rectifications, or any other relevant annotations. Furthermore, the comment section facilitates discussions and feedback exchanges among shared users, fostering collaboration and knowledge sharing.

  • From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

  • Click on Results Result Title bi-chat-square-text-black New Comment in sequence.

  • Complete and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Comment on a result record for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to comment on a result by its shared users.


1.6.3. Screenshots of Notebook Comment Comment on a protocol record

Comment on a protocol record by its project creator

  • Follow the instructions to create a Non-Shared or Shared project.

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

  • Click on Protocols Protocol Title bi-chat-square-text-black New Comment in sequence. ❷

  • Complete and submit the form. ❸

Show the **New Comment** entry

Fig. 1.128 Show the New Comment Entry

Show the **New Comment** form

Fig. 1.129 Show the New Comment form

Comment on a protocol record

Fig. 1.130 Page view upon submitting comments on a protocol record

Comment on a protocol record by its shared users

  • From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence. ❶

  • Click on Protocols Protocol Title bi-chat-square-text-black New Comment in sequence. ❷

  • Complete and submit the form. ❸

Show the **New Comment** entry

Fig. 1.131 Show the New Comment Entry

Show the **New Comment** form

Fig. 1.132 Show the New Comment form

Comment on a protocol record

Fig. 1.133 Page view upon submitting comments on a protocol record Comment on a result record

Comment on a result record by its project creator

  • Follow the instructions to create a Non-Shared or Shared project.

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

  • Click on Results Result Title bi-chat-square-text-black New Comment in sequence. ❷

  • Complete and submit the form. ❸

Show the **New Comment** entry

Fig. 1.134 Show the New Comment Entry

Show the **New Comment** form

Fig. 1.135 Show the New Comment form

Comment on a result record

Fig. 1.136 Page view upon submitting comments on a result record

Comment on a result record by its shared users

  • From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence. ❶

  • Click on Results Result Title bi-chat-square-text-black New Comment in sequence. ❷

  • Complete and submit the form. ❸

Show the **New Comment** entry

Fig. 1.137 Show the New Comment Entry

Show the **New Comment** form

Fig. 1.138 Show the New Comment form

Comment on a result record

Fig. 1.139 Page view upon submitting comments on a result record