1.4. Notebook Edit

Each notebook (bi-book-half project) consists of unmodifiable experimental data and editable annotation data, providing a structured approach for organizing experimental data and annotations. The annotation data can be edited as needed, and all changes are tracked. While the experimental data itself cannot be modified, additional experimental data can be appended as new entries in the Protocols, Results, or Attachments sections.

1.4.1. Edit Annotation Data

Annotation data is utilized to organize each notebook’s comprehensive objectives in a hierarchical manner, encompassing the categorization and annotation of individual sub-goals. This aids in future searches of the notebook, enabling quick retrieval of corresponding experiment records. The annotation data encompasses titles and tags for projects, chapters, sections, experiments, protocols, and results, along with filenames of attachments. These data can be edited as needed, and all modifications are logged in a log file. Modify Project Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-book-half Project Title to redirect to the project details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title in sequence.

  • Under the Project tab, click on the bi-book-half Project Title to show the project annotations.

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable.

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Modify Project Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to modify the title and tags of a project. Modify Chapter Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-folder2-open Chapter Title to redirect to the chapter details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project view, select bi-folder2-open Chapter Title entry from the main panel.

  • Under the Chapter tab, click on the bi-folder2-open Chapter Title to show the chapter annotations.

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable.

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Modify Chapter Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to modify the title and tags of a chapter. Modify Section Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-folder2-open Section Title to redirect to the section details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter view, select the Chapter tab and bi-folder2-open Section Title entry from the main panel.

  • Under the Section tab, click on the bi-folder2-open Section Title to show the section annotations.

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable.

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Modify Section Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to modify the title and tags of a section. Modify Experiment Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the ms-circle-info Experiment Meta to show the experiment meta tabs.

  • Under the Experiment tab, click on the bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to show the experiment annotations.

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable.

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Modify Experiment Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to modify the title and tags of an experiment. Modify Protocol Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the Protocols button to display the Protocols section.

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Protocol Title line to show the protocol annotations.

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable.

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Modify Protocol Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to modify the title and tags of a protocol. Modify Result Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the Results button to display the Results section.

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Result Title line to show the result annotations.

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable.

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Modify Result Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to modify the title and tags of a result. Modify Attachment Filename

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the Attachments button to display the Attachments section. ❷

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Attachment Filename line to show the attachment annotations. ❸

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Attachment Filename field editable. ❹

  • Edit the Attachment Filename field and submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Modify Attachment Filename for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to modify the filename of an attachment.

1.4.2. Edit Experimental Data

The experimental data includes Protocols, Results, and Attachments, which cannot be edited once entered. However, the new protocol, result and attachment data can be attached to the corresponding parts in chronological order as the experiment progresses.


  • Data entered cannot be modified.

  • New data can be appended as needed. Append Protocol Data

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the Protocols button to display the Protocols section.

  • Click on the New Protocol link located in the Protocols section.

  • Complete the Title, Tags, and Content form fields.

  • Submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Append Protocol Data for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to append new protocol data. Append Result Data

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the Results button to display the Results section.

  • Click on the New Result link located in the Results section.

  • Complete the Title, Tags, and Content form fields.

  • Submit the form.

  • Please refer to the reference Append Result Data for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to append new result data. Append Attachment Data

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the Attachments button to display the Attachments section.

  • Click on the New Attachment link located in the Attachments section.

  • Click on the Choose File button located in the Attachments section to select a file.

  • Select the file and click the Upload button.

  • Please refer to the reference Append Attachment Data for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to append new attachment data.

1.4.3. Editing Logs of Annotation Data

Annotation data is utilized to organize each notebook’s comprehensive objectives in a hierarchical manner, encompassing the categorization and annotation of individual sub-goals. The annotation data encompasses titles and tags for projects, chapters, sections, experiments, protocols, and results, along with filenames of attachments. These data can be edited as needed, and all modifications are logged in a log file. Editing Logs of Project Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-book-half Project Title to redirect to the project details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title in sequence.

  • Under the Project tab, click on the bi-book-half Project Title to show the project annotations.

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the project title and tags.

  • Please refer to the reference Editing Logs of Project Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to show the editing logs of a project’s title and tags. Editing Logs of Chapter Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-folder2-open Chapter Title to redirect to the chapter details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project view, select bi-folder2-open Chapter Title entry from the main panel.

  • Under the Chapter tab, click on the bi-folder2-open Chapter Title to show the chapter annotations.

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the chapter title and tags.

  • Please refer to the reference Editing Logs of Chapter Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to show the editing logs of a chapter’s title and tags. Editing Logs of Section Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-folder2-open Section Title to redirect to the section details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter view, select the Chapter tab and bi-folder2-open Section Title entry from the main panel.

  • Under the Section tab, click on the bi-folder2-open Section Title to show the section annotations.

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the section title and tags.

  • Please refer to the reference Editing Logs of Section Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to show the editing logs of a section’s title and tags. Editing Logs of Experiment Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the ms-circle-info Experiment Meta to show the experiment meta tabs.

  • Under the Experiment tab, click on the bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to show the experiment annotations.

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the experiment title and tags.

  • Please refer to the reference Editing Logs of Experiment Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to show the editing logs of an experiment’s title and tags. Editing Logs of Protocol Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the Protocols button to display the Protocols section.

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Protocol Title line to show the protocol annotations.

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the protocol title and tags.

  • Please refer to the reference Editing Logs of Protocol Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to show the editing logs of a protocol’s title and tags. Editing Logs of Result Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the Results button to display the Results section.

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Result Title line to show the result annotations.

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the result title and tags.

  • Please refer to the reference Editing Logs of Result Title and Tags for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to show the editing logs of a result’s title and tags. Editing Logs of Attachment Filename

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page.

    • Option 1: From the left navigation panel, select metro-ui-css-mif-books My Projects bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 2: From the left navigation panel, select bi-folder-symlink-fill-black Collaborations User Name bi-book-half Project Title bi-folder2-open Chapter Title bi-folder2-open Section Title bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title in sequence.

    • Option 3: Under the Project Chapter Section view, select the Section tab and bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title entry from the main panel.

  • Click on the Attachments button to display the Attachments section.

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Attachment Filename line to show the attachment annotations.

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the attachment filename.

  • Please refer to the reference Editing Logs of Attachment Filename for detailed step-by-step instructions on how to show the editing logs of an attachment’s filename.


1.4.4. Screenshots of editing project data

The following are some screenshots demonstrating the process of editing project data. Modify Project Title and Tags

Modify Project Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-book-half Project Title to redirect to the project details page. ❶

  • Under the Project tab, click on the bi-book-half Project Title to show the project annotations. ❷

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable. ❸

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form. ❹

Modify Project Title and Tags

Fig. 1.20 Redirect to the Project Page

Modify Project Title and Tags

Fig. 1.21 Edit Project Title

Modify Project Title and Tags

Fig. 1.22 Complete the Modification of Project Title and Tags Modify Chapter Title and Tags

Modify Chapter Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-folder2-open Chapter Title to redirect to the chapter details page. ❶

  • Under the Chapter tab, click on the bi-folder2-open Chapter Title to show the chapter annotations. ❷

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable. ❸

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form. ❹

Modify Chapter Title and Tags

Fig. 1.23 Redirect to the Chapter Page

Modify Chapter Title and Tags

Fig. 1.24 Edit Chapter Title

Modify Chapter Title and Tags

Fig. 1.25 Complete the Modification of Chapter Title and Tags Modify Section Title and Tags

Modify Section Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-folder2-open Section Title to redirect to the section details page. ❶

  • Under the Section tab, click on the bi-folder2-open Section Title to show the section annotations. ❷

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable. ❸

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form. ❹

Modify Section Title and Tags

Fig. 1.26 Redirect to the Section Page

Modify Section Title and Tags

Fig. 1.27 Edit Section Title

Modify Section Title and Tags

Fig. 1.28 Complete the Modification of Section Title and Tags Modify Experiment Title and Tags

Modify Experiment Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the ms-circle-info Experiment Meta to show the experiment meta tabs. ❷

  • Under the Experiment tab, click on the bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to show the experiment annotations. ❸

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable. ❹

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form. ❺

Modify Experiment Title and Tags

Fig. 1.29 Redirect to the Experiment Page

Display the Experiment Meta Tabs

Fig. 1.30 Display the Experiment Meta Tabs

Edit Experiment Title

Fig. 1.31 Edit Experiment Title

Modify Experiment Title and Tags

Fig. 1.32 Complete the Modification of Experiment Title and Tags Modify Protocol Title and Tags

Modify Protocol Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the Protocols button to display the Protocols section. ❷

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Protocol Title line to show the protocol annotations. ❸

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable. ❹

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form. ❺

Modify Protocol Title and Tags

Fig. 1.33 Redirect to the Protocol Page

Edit Protocol Title

Fig. 1.34 Edit Protocol Title

Modify Experiment Title and Tags

Fig. 1.35 Complete the Modification of Protocol Title and Tags Modify Result Title and Tags

Modify Result Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the Results button to display the Results section. ❷

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Result Title line to show the result annotations. ❸

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Title or Tags field editable. ❹

  • Edit the Title or Tags field and submit the form. ❺

Modify Result Title and Tags

Fig. 1.36 Redirect to the Result Page

Edit Result Title

Fig. 1.37 Edit Result Title

Modify Result Title and Tags

Fig. 1.38 Complete the Modification of Result Title and Tags Modify Attachment Filename

Modify Attachment Filename

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the Attachments button to display the Attachments section. ❷

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Attachment Filename line to show the attachment annotations. ❸

  • Click on the bi-pencil-fill icon to make the Attachment Filename field editable. ❹

  • Edit the Attachment Filename field and submit the form. ❺

Modify Attachment Filename

Fig. 1.39 Redirect to the Attachment Page

Edit Attachment Filename

Fig. 1.40 Edit Attachment Filename

Modify Attachment Filename

Fig. 1.41 Complete the Modification of Attachment Filename Append Protocol Data

Append Protocol Data

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the Protocols button to display the Protocols section. ❷

  • Click on the New Protocol link located in the Protocols section. ❸

  • Complete the Title, Tags, and Content form fields. ❹

  • Submit the form. ❺

Append Protocol Data

Fig. 1.42 Redirect to the Protocol Page

Append Protocol Data

Fig. 1.43 Append Protocol Data

Page view after new protocol data appended

Fig. 1.44 Page view after new protocol data appended Append Result Data

Append Result Data

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the Results button to display the Results section. ❷

  • Click on the New Result link located in the Results section. ❸

  • Complete the Title, Tags, and Content form fields. ❹

  • Submit the form. ❺

Append Result Data

Fig. 1.45 Redirect to the Result Page

Append Result Data

Fig. 1.46 Append Result Data

Page view after new result data appended

Fig. 1.47 Page view after new result data appended Append Attachment Data

Append Attachment Data

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the Attachments button to display the Attachments section. ❷

  • Click on the New Attachment link located in the Attachments section. ❸

  • Click on the Choose File button located in the Attachments section to select a file. ❹

  • Select the file and click the Upload button. ❺

Append Attachment Data

Fig. 1.48 Redirect to the Attachment Page

Append Attachment Data

Fig. 1.49 Append Attachment Data

Page view after new attachment data appended

Fig. 1.50 Page view after new attachment data appended Editing Logs of Project Title and Tags

Editing Logs of Project Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-book-half Project Title to redirect to the project details page. ❶

  • Under the Project tab, click on the bi-book-half Project Title to show the project annotations. ❷

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the project title and tags. ❸

Log Modifications of Project Title and Tags

Fig. 1.51 Log the Modifications Made to the Project Title and Tags Editing Logs of Chapter Title and Tags

Editing Logs of Chapter Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-folder2-open Chapter Title to redirect to the chapter details page. ❶

  • Under the Chapter tab, click on the bi-folder2-open Chapter Title to show the chapter annotations. ❷

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the chapter title and tags. ❸

Log Modifications of Chapter Title and Tags

Fig. 1.52 Log the Modifications Made to the Chapter Title and Tags Editing Logs of Section Title and Tags

Editing Logs of Section Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-folder2-open Section Title to redirect to the section details page. ❶

  • Under the Section tab, click on the bi-folder2-open Section Title to show the section annotations. ❷

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the section title and tags. ❸

Log Modifications of Section Title and Tags

Fig. 1.53 Log the Modifications Made to the Section Title and Tags Editing Logs of Experiment Title and Tags

Editing Logs of Experiment Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the ms-circle-info Experiment Meta to show the experiment meta tabs. ❷

  • Under the Experiment tab, click on the bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to show the experiment annotations. ❸

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the experiment title and tags. ❹

Log Modifications of Experiment Title and Tags

Fig. 1.54 Log the Modifications Made to the Experiment Title and Tags Editing Logs of Protocol Title and Tags

Editing Logs of Protocol Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the Protocols button to display the Protocols section. ❷

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Protocol Title line to show the protocol annotations. ❸

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the protocol title and tags. ❹

Log Modifications of Protocol Title and Tags

Fig. 1.55 Log the Modifications Made to the Protocol Title and Tags Editing Logs of Result Title and Tags

Editing Logs of Result Title and Tags

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the Results button to display the Results section. ❷

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Result Title line to show the result annotations. ❸

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the result title and tags. ❹

Log Modifications of Result Title and Tags

Fig. 1.56 Log the Modifications Made to the Result Title and Tags Editing Logs of Attachment Filename

Editing Logs of Attachment Filename

  • From the left navigation panel, click on bi-file-earmark-richtext Experiment Title to redirect to the experiment details page. ❶

  • Click on the Attachments button to display the Attachments section. ❷

  • Click on the ms-circle-info icon present in the Attachment Filename line to show the attachment annotations. ❸

  • Click on the bi-journal-text icon to show the modification logs made to the attachment filename. ❹

Log Modifications of Attachment Filename

Fig. 1.57 Log the Modifications Made to the Attachment Filename